February 20, 2008

My Absence of Shame

pardon me for my absence of shame – or don't – it's completely your choice
how dare i?
who must i think i am?

i am a well-thought out plan, conceived before the beginning of time,
destined for greatness.

i feel no need to "fit in" or "conform"
i blaze my own trails, choosing my turns,
making my own decisions.

who must i think i am?
being so loud and so bold, and not hanging my head in shame?
for having my own opinions, my own way of doing things,
and my own way of seeing the world?
how ridiculous i must appear to the many people who think
they know how I should live my life –
quietly, and in the shadows, with my head hung low.

i will never fit anyone's mold of "perfection"
except my own.

i am perfectly ME.
from the top of my head, to the bottoms of my plump feet -
my arms are the essence of strength from defending my right to be equal
yet, they are the ultimate source of love, nurturing, holding, caressing, embracing.

my stomach, which will never be flat again,
has carried and nurtured life, and birthed a nation, beginning with my son.

the strength of my legs allows me to stand my ground
against those who would attempt to force me into their mold of who i should be
or what i should look like

i'm very much aware that it is all the rage
to be thin, svelte, slender.
i've never adhered to "the rage"
and though i have changed my lifestyle
to reduce my size
i will never be thin, svelte, or even slender, however
i will ALWAYS be me….

a Devine Original, magnificently crafted by God, to be uniquely


(artwork: "Mi'Amore, Frank Morrison)