December 05, 2006


give me your hand
give me your mind
give me your heart
(yes, I want it all).
walk with me, talk with me.
tell me your dreams, your hopes, your disappointments and desires.
I'll tell you mine.
and let us navigate our way, together, through the ups and downs;
the celebration and the tears.
perhaps, in the sharing, our burdens will be eased
our joys multiplied.

just for a moment, give me your eyes
(and I'll give you mine)
that I may view the world as you view it
and you may experience my perception.
open your mind and your heart
and in so doing,
we may be enlightened
and less judgmental.

share with me your fears,
your dreams, yet unfulfilled.
I do not claim to have the answers
to your dilemmas,
but in so sharing,
perhaps (just perhaps) we may be able to change
our point of view or
understand that of another
gain better appreciation for the differences
we share and those that make us

this is Hope –
the willingness to try.
and as tomorrow unfolds,
the beauty of you
and me
will be evident -
just as God sees us
we will see us
and we will see each other.
© Copyright 2006 TonyaC
(artwork: 'Acceptance', Nathaniel Barnes)

1 comment:

Jack said...

This is simply beautiful. I can look at this as a relationship as God desires of me. As well as looking at it in a relationship standpoint with man and woman. Expressing what I know personally that I would like to say. There is so much beauty in your words, and ministry that I pray that you will continue to be all that you are, because there is so much more instore for you. ((HUGS))