January 04, 2009

to know

i knew you - long ago
before this time was our time,
before you were you and i was me

i knew you - a soul time ago
when your soul touched mine
i knew you, though i'm not quite sure how

two lights in the darkness
sharing space, without time
longing, needing, desiring

i've ached for you, countless times

perhaps you were my king, and i your queen
reigning in a universe still unknown

i knew you before the creation of space and time
when love was pure, uncut and sublime

i knew you when our souls felt free to dance
no matter who may have been watching –
we took the chance

i knew you before - don't ask me how
i've known you my whole life

and i wonder where you are now

i continue to search; to wait; to wonder
continue longing, needing, desiring

are we destined to meet in this life - or the next?

you feel it, though you cannot express it
you sense it, though you dare not say it
you know it, though you dare not accept it
you know me
i know you

(artwork: “a moment alone”, c babi bayoc)

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